The Rosewood Path to Marketing Success

“I’m often running behind when it comes to marketing.” “We’re dumping dollars into marketing with no results.” Sound familiar? 

Henry manages three businesses, including Stable Hollow Construction, a specialist in restoring historic structures. Two years ago, he entered the Rosewood Marketing Guide™ Path. “We’ve made a lot of progress in the last two years. I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” Henry declared. 

Follow the Path

The Rosewood Marketing Guide™ Path begins with a Strategy Consultation. Extensive research and conversation clarify the client’s business focus, laying the groundwork for setting goals and budgeting time and dollars for the next marketing year. After the launch, monthly meetings between the Marketing Guide and the client keep these goals on track.

The Marketing Guide Path fuels momentum.

Adrian, Stable Hollow’s Marketing Guide, explains, “Because we touch base each month, both Stable Hollow and Rosewood are held accountable for the to-dos that need to happen. When clients get a Marketing Guide, we see them gain a lot more traction.”

Many companies find their marketing falling by the wayside when business is booming. When things slow down, the company scrambles to generate leads. “Once it becomes an emergency, it’s often a little late,” Adrian remarked. Consistent, proactive marketing smooths these ups and downs.

Henry agreed. “The Marketing Guide Path adds a lot of accountability and persistence. It definitely keeps momentum. Before we had this, we had our spurts when we got stuff done. We got leads, and then we got busy, and then we didn’t worry about marketing. And then all of a sudden we had to do it again.”

The Marketing Guide relationship capitalizes on collaboration. 

Web developers, copywriters, graphic designers, digital marketers–at Rosewood, team members bring their respective skills to each project. With a Marketing Guide to steer all these efforts in the same direction, synergy flourishes. Ideas multiply. 

Henry said, “I always thought marketing was my thing. No one else knows how to do it except me because I know the company, and I know what I want, and what I want to share. Now I’ve realized that if I communicate my end result, it’s amazing what we can come up with that’s creative and fresh.”

Referring to a recent hiring ad project, Henry states, “I knew what I wanted with some of the signs and ads. We sat down and brainstormed. We had several people on that call, and the results were even better than what I anticipated.”

The Marketing Guide Path clarifies the company’s niche. 

Adrian points out that when a business specializes in its unique niche in the market instead of copying its competitors, it can be a win-win for both the business and its competition. 

Henry says that’s exactly what happened for Stable Hollow. “I feel like what we have done here together in the last two years helps us clearly communicate what we’re good at and who we’re good at serving. Obviously, then we get better work. We don’t get what’s left by chance; we get the work we want. I wouldn’t want to go back to being in it alone.”

Adrian concurs, “After Stable Hollow transitioned from being a general contractor to specializing in barn restoration, potential customers began to trust Stable Hollow more for restoration work, making the sale easier.”

The Marketing Guide becomes a fan. 

Marketing Guides and clients aren’t just business partners; they become friends and advocates. Adrian declared, “If people need a barn restored, Stable Hollow is the company.” 

Momentum, synergy, and finding a business niche—that’s what Stable Hollow is discovering in its business journey with Rosewood.

Interested in gaining traction in your business? Partner with Rosewood and enter the Marketing Guide Path to your business’s future. Call 717.866.5000 today to schedule a consultation.

About the Author Cari Hochstetler is a copywriter at Rosewood Marketing. She enjoys seeing creativity bring wonder and hope to the world. Contact Cari at